Anti-corrosion PEEK CF30 Compounds - Carbon Fiber Compounds Manufacturer | Supplier
Anti-corrosion PEEK CF30 Compounds - Carbon Fiber Compounds Manufacturer | Supplier
Anti-corrosion PEEK CF30 Compounds - Carbon Fiber Compounds Manufacturer | Supplier
Anti-corrosion PEEK CF30 Compounds - Carbon Fiber Compounds Manufacturer | Supplier
Anti-corrosion PEEK CF30 Compounds - Carbon Fiber Compounds Manufacturer | Supplier
Anti-corrosion PEEK CF30 Compounds

  • Product Name: Anti-corrosion PEEK CF30 Compounds
  • Features: Anti-corrosion /Wear-resistance, etc.
  • Filler: Carbon Fiber
  • Content of Filler: 5%-60%
  • Molding Process: Injection /Extrusion
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Anti-corrosion PEEK CF30 Compounds

What’s PEEK CF20?

Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) resin is a special engineering plastic with excellent performance. Compared with other special engineering plastics, it has more significant advantages. It can withstand high temperatures of 260 degrees, has excellent mechanical properties, has good self-lubricating properties, and is resistant to chemical corrosion. , flame retardant, peeling resistance, abrasion resistance, and radiation resistance can be used in high-end machinery, nuclear engineering, aviation and other technologies.

Advantages of carbon fiber reinforced PEEK material PEEK CF30:

**High stiffness and creep resistance.
**very high mechanical strength values,
**Lower density than 30% glass fiber filled PEEK.
**Carbon fiber composites tend to be less abrasive than fiberglass while improving wear and friction properties.
**The addition of carbon fiber also ensures significantly higher levels of thermal conductivity, which also benefits increased part life in sliding applications.
**Carbon fiber-filled PEEK also has excellent resistance to hydrolysis in boiling water and superheated steam.
**PEEK CF30 can be used in automotive, marine, nuclear energy, underground oil wells, electronics and aerospace fields. There are also applications in the medical field.

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Morbi iaculis at quam vel faucibus. Ut semper ipsum ex, quis aliquet justo pretium a. Suspendisse scelerisque metus augue, a interdum leo iaculis sed. Vivamus sit amet nunc odio. Duis vel pulvinar dolor, at lacinia tellus.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse lacinia quam a elit lobortis tempor

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